I know that this question went out to all the homies out there (not to me

), but since noone has voiced an opinion yet, here is one -
I could imagine, if we want to stay with the more familiar concept of step-based effects, to be using either a single or a cluster of exemplary instruments selected to
create/model the steps of the desired effect, and then, when it comes to
applying the effect to a selected (but potentially greater or smaller) number of channels (even of different instruments, but that might share some of the same sub-channels like "22 - red"), that one gets a chance to influence how the "scaling" and "phasing" of the application should work... i.e. lets say we have designed an effect over 3 fixtures that cycle through different colours, one could either imagine to "spread" this effect when applying the effect over 5 fixtures by interpolating the colours in between for fixture 2 and 4, or alternatively offer a "repeat" or "bounce" function to allow for i.e. 1-2-3-2-1 or 1-2-3-1-2 ... obviously it becomes important for this "fanning" in which order the fixtures have been selected.
An option that goes into a completely different (and, for LXConsole new area) would be to work with geometrical and/or mathematical patterns or functions to describe how an effect should behave, i.e. A) alternate between 2 states(i.e. full green and then full blue) in the shape of a sine or cos curve, B) move this moving light in a spiral/circle/square/random pattern around it's current position with a certain width and depth of movement)... with this more general, elegant approach, one would create effect descriptions that are more versatile and transferable to any number of channels.
Once again, just ideas, mostly harvested from other LX software implementations out there...
I can see that there is a lot of design and implementation work here, and to be sure, even being able to somehow A) copy and then B) batch selecting and batch changing specific affected fixtures in a recorded effect (i.e. in all its subs or cues) would be a limited though more static way of starting the re-usability of effects in LX Console - say, the original effect worked with 3 different fixtures A, B, and C, and I would be able to go into the effect and be able to say "Copy this effect for me, ALSO copy all the included subs/cues, and THEN, instead of affecting fixture A in this effect, please affect fixture D, instead of B E, and so on
for all steps/subs/cues..."
There, my $0.02

... I'll shut up now...
And, for everyone out there who is celebrating it - have yerself a Merry Little Christmas.