The new "spotlight" function in LxBeams Pro is very good. Is is possible to be able to show the beam of the instrument in this spotlit format?
How do you find a group of lights via their channel numbers?
find function
That's a good suggestion about adding the beams to the "spotlight" feature. LXBeams 1.0.3 now isolates any beams associated with selected lights that are highlighted by "spotlight".
In order to highlight the symbols for a series of channels, open a channel list report. Use the shift key to select multiple rows. This will select the associated lights in the plot window.
When you switch back to the plot window, you can press the "s" key to spotlight the selected lights (and with 1.0.3 their beams...).
You can use this technique to easily select and edit lights in a range of channels. One common use might be to select lights this way and then assign a common group or use with the Inspector's info tab.
In order to highlight the symbols for a series of channels, open a channel list report. Use the shift key to select multiple rows. This will select the associated lights in the plot window.
When you switch back to the plot window, you can press the "s" key to spotlight the selected lights (and with 1.0.3 their beams...).
You can use this technique to easily select and edit lights in a range of channels. One common use might be to select lights this way and then assign a common group or use with the Inspector's info tab.