Disable a layer

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Disable a layer

Post by dponblades »

When I import a set I put it on the bottom layer.
But it is still active and moves around if I make a wrong click.
Command/Z puts it back but I would simply like to disable that layer
from being chosen all of the time. Is that possible?
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Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:26 am

Post by admin »

You can only select the current layer unless you have specifically enabled another layer to make its objects selectable when it is not current. Selectability is controlled by a checkbox in the layers table next to the visibility checkbox. If you create a new layer above your imported graphic and make it the current layer, you won't accidentally select and move the graphic. In LXFree for Java, making a new layer is done with the popup button under the layers table in the Inspector's document tab.
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