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Post by lanternz »

Whatever happened to the old CopyChanneltoCircuit script? Went looking for it the other day. I never used it's circuit function but it was very useful when re-channeling a show for touring to keep track of the original channel numbers for cross referencing back to old show files.
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Post by admin »

This may be a script that you created and placed in the main application support library: /Library/Application Support/lx/scripts/lxbeams

The latest builds have moved the library folders to comply with Apple guidelines and no longer use the system-wide /Library/Application Support folder. Instead, all library files must be placed in your user library folder. The catch is that this folder is hidden on 10.7. For this reason, there is an "Open User Library Folder" button in the "General" tab of the preferences.

Place your script in the "~/Library/Application Support/com.claudeheintzdesign.lxseries/scripts/lxbeams" folder and it should appear in your scripts menu. You can get there either using the button in the Preferences and then navigating to the scripts folder or by choosing "Go to folder..." in the Finder and copying and pasting the above path into the sheet.

You might notice that the Application Support folder has been renamed from "lx" to "com.claudeheintzdesign.lxseries"

If you'd like to copy the standard "copyDimmerToCircuit" script to use as the basis for creating a copyChannelToCircuit script, you can find it inside the application package. Control-click the LXBeams application in the Finder and choose "Show Package Contents" from the popup menu. Look for the Contents/Resources/lxbeams_scripts folder and you will find the script in there. Duplicate the file and put it in your user library as outlined above. (If you leave it in the application package, it will get lost if you install an update.)
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