the question may be very stupid, but i'm stuck...
how can i draw a floor stand or a boom?
thank you
symbols for stands
Take a look at the example plot from the Help menu.
Booms are drawn by convention as a side view even though the rest of a plot is a plan view drawing. Then, there is usually an indication of where the out-of-context section portion is located on the rest of the plan.
The gray location indication for the example plot was created with a symbol that was converted to a graphic only representation using the "Convert->Symbol to Graphic" command. Symbols that are converted to graphics have no information attached and do not show up on any paperwork.
Booms are drawn by convention as a side view even though the rest of a plot is a plan view drawing. Then, there is usually an indication of where the out-of-context section portion is located on the rest of the plan.
The gray location indication for the example plot was created with a symbol that was converted to a graphic only representation using the "Convert->Symbol to Graphic" command. Symbols that are converted to graphics have no information attached and do not show up on any paperwork.