Bug report - V1.1.5 (6310A) Position list move row

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Bug report - V1.1.5 (6310A) Position list move row

Post by gsfidler »

When using the position list to change sorting order, move row up/move row down not only changes moves the LXPosition node, but also copies the name of the selected row onto the positions it moves past

Assume you have 4 pipes, labeled Pipe 1-Pipe 4 and need to correct their report order:
Pipe 2
Pipe 3
Pipe 4
Pipe 1 *selected*

After hitting move up 3x:
Pipe 1 *original selected object*
Pipe 1
Pipe 1
Pipe 1
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Post by admin »

This should be fixed in v1.1.6.

This may have been due to a change in behavior of the table where instead of selecting with a single click and initiating editing with a double-click, a single click seems to start editing the name immediately. The error occurred because the text was open for editing. The fix now stops editing when the move up or move down menu commands are selected.
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