Dropped feature

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Dropped feature

Post by lanternz »

Just loaded 0.9.330 and the ability to select multiple instruments and copy information by double clicking a field and hitting enter seems to have disappeared. Has it?
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Post by admin »


Are you running Snow Leopard? It seems to me that the way tables behave has changed. I'm not sure if this is a result of the operating system (10.6) or something that changed when the application was recompiled with XCode 3.2. I'm trying to find out.

It also seems to me that double-clicking in a table has changed. It used to be that you could double-click a cell anywhere. Now it seems that it has to be on the text(?!)

It is not just LXBeams that changed. LXConsole exhibits a similar change with double-clicking in the Cue Sheet.

UPDATE: These problems are changes in the table behavior provided by the AppKit on Snow Leopard.

There is a fix for the end edit problem which occurs when the displayed value does not change but the desired result is to transfer that value to multiple objects.

The double-click location is still under review to determine how that has changed.
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Post by lanternz »

Yes just upgraded to Snow Leopard. Which also incidentally brought about a screen failure on my MacBook Pro which was found to be a known fault with the NVIDIA chip and was replaced by Apple even though the machine was out of warranty.
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Post by admin »

There is now a workaround to the change in Snow Leopard where you had to click directly on the text to initiate editing in a table. This is implemented for the Inspector's tables. Reports, for now, have the default Snow Leopard behavior.

Now, in the Inspector, double clicking anywhere in a cell initiates editing. This is in addition to the Snow Leopard behavior where, if the row is selected, a single click on the text (not anywhere in the cell) will initiate editing.

This change affects only the 10.5+/Intel versions of LXFree and LXBeams that are running on Snow Leopard.
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Post by lanternz »

OK got that but not sure if you are addressing the right problem. I used to be able to select an instrument and then shift select additional instruments. In the inspector I could then double click a colour for example and then hit enter - the colour of the first selected instrument was then copied into the other instruments. Very useful for transferring a show onto another rig. This no longer works on my copy of LxBeams 0.9.3330 and I wish it did because I have just had to transfer a large opera rig using old fashioned cut and paste technology.
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Post by lanternz »

Sorry - did not realize you had already posted 0.9.3402. You are too fast - thanks.
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