Just prodding a little subject discussed in another thread (where it was a bit OT):
So, I tried a little experimentation outside of LXConsole in the way it currently works, and got there 90% (well, the actual percentage depends on the amount of characters in the command ;P):Visual feedback - (...) this touches on something else I with the command line in both application and TouchOSC - that as soon as a command is entered, it vanishes... it would be great if the last command would stay visible - maybe not selectable, but greyed out? I found this is what other consoles do, i.e. Jands and also ETC Eos/Ion/Element - a finished command stays in the command line until you type the next, but with an asterisk at the end (signifying the "enter" or "executed" state...)
With routing the LXConsole OSC output through OSCulator and Quartz Composer, I was able to:
a) While the command line is being entered, two things happen:
1. LXConsole cmdline output is sampled and held (and as normal being sent to /1/cmdline, a field that I made red)
2. a blank is sent to /1/last_cmdline, a field in the exact same place with same dimensions as the red one, but in grey.
b) When a command is complete, two things happen:
1. LXConsole cmdline output goes blank, and triggers the sampling to stop.
2. The sampled cmdline that is now stored is being sent to /1/last_cmdline, so that the executed command appears in the same spot, but in grey.
This works like a treat, however, I discovered that LXConsole does not seem to send the last character (the one that completes the command) before blanking the command line out. Any chance that this could happen at all? It should not impact negatively on anyone, as at most it would be a brief "flicker" before the command line is blanked out as it currently is...
As an example, please see the attached photos from my ipad (the before/after shot):
First image, I entered "3@5" - it appears in red. Second image was just after entering "0", completing the command "3@50" - but because the last character is not echoed, it still shows only "3@5" in grey (signifying this is an executed statement). The next keystroke would start the command line again fresh, and in red.