LOVING the improvements in the reporting. Better control of sort and additional columns to choose from. Especially LOVE the Location column with the SR/SL offsets. Sure beats sitting on the stage with a scale ruler!!!
But, I can't figure out what order the Positions are sorting in on my Instrument Schedule Report. My lighting positions are showing up in the following order:
SR Boom #2
SL Boom #2
SR Boom #4
SL Boom #4
SR Boom #1
SL Boom #1
2nd AP
1st Electric
6th Electric
5th Electric
4th Electric
1st AP
How can I fix the sort-order here?
Sort not consistent in Instrument Schedule Report
Open a Positions Report (View->Report->Create Report, then select Load from Library). Drag the positions for the current layer into the desired order.
The order that is used for sorting by location such as when creating an Instrument Schedule is determined by the drawing order of the positions. This is determined by first, the order of the layers. Then, within a layer, by the order the objects are drawn. Selecting a position and using the Format->Arrange->Send to Back command will cause that position's lights to appear last in an Instrument Schedule (last with respect to the positions in that layer). A positions report allows you to see the drawing order of the positions and re-arrange it using drag and drop which is much easier than using commands in the Format->Arrange menu and checking to Instrument Schedule to get the desired result.
The order that is used for sorting by location such as when creating an Instrument Schedule is determined by the drawing order of the positions. This is determined by first, the order of the layers. Then, within a layer, by the order the objects are drawn. Selecting a position and using the Format->Arrange->Send to Back command will cause that position's lights to appear last in an Instrument Schedule (last with respect to the positions in that layer). A positions report allows you to see the drawing order of the positions and re-arrange it using drag and drop which is much easier than using commands in the Format->Arrange menu and checking to Instrument Schedule to get the desired result.